
When we are confronted by situations like the Coronavirus pandemic which hold a great deal of uncertainty, it's only natural that we experience some anxiety. There are a number of time-tested strategies for managing anxiety that can be very helpful in 应对冠状病毒焦虑, and there are also resources specific to 支持有色人种学生 通过这场危机. Framing the experience of moving classes to an on-line digital format as a learning opportunity for everyone involved--something that will be imperfect--might also offer opportunities for faculty to help students 挑战他们的完美主义. There are also a number of strategies that resilient people and organizations employ that would be helpful for faculty to model in their classrooms (virtual or not): 弹性People and Organizations Take These Steps:

  • Have a strong sense of purpose and meaning for why they do what they do
  • 将压力重新定义为:
    • 挑战而不是威胁
    • 一种激励
    • 可控而非难以控制
  • Focus on possibilities instead of problems
  • 培养(个人)控制意识
  • 保持积极的心态
  • 运用良好的解决问题的能力
  • 有幽默感吗

Normalizing challenge and even struggle by pointing students to resources 之前 problems arise is a great strategy that empowers students to utilize resources and to see themselves as agents of change in their lives. 这可以在你的 教学大纲 and in-person on the first day of class. If your students are looking for resources, you can direct them to some of our 在线资源, or suggest that they reach out for consultations with staff from the 健康资源中心, 牧师的办公室,咨询中心, 咨询中心, 巴特勒中心, 或就业中心.

在一般情况下, concerns about 心理健康 on college campuses have dramatically increased over the last decade. 在CC这里, we are doing a variety of things to promote 心理健康 and respond to 心理健康 needs. Because of your close contact and relationships with students, faculty are integral to this work. These infographics share some key 心理健康 metrics and proven strategies for helping to connect students to resources.

Making good referrals is a key part of a compassionate, empathic response to students. First, familiarize yourself with campus resources available through our 阶梯式护理,然后遵循一些简单的 制作优秀推荐人的技巧.  You can also find some quick tips for Identifying and Responding to 学生 in Distress in our Guide for 教师 and 工作人员:

Cover image of 注意到 Signs of Distress brochure


心理健康问题信息图 心理健康问题信息图2


Co-Curricular Collaboration and Support

We are happy to continue these kinds of collaborations and supports in the digital/remote environment as we navigate COVID-19!

基于内容的合作: The 健康资源中心 serves as the campus leader for prevention and health promotion work through leadership, 协调, and integration of campus health and wellness initiatives. Our public health approach to wellness is holistic and multi-dimensional, emphasizing that individual wellness is embedded within an inclusive, 健康的社区. We therefore incorporate an understanding of systems of oppression, 股本, 融入到我们所有的工作中. The content of our work intersects with content taught in many classes across academic divisions. So, we welcome opportunities to collaborate with faculty and to support learning inside the classroom. Examples of this kind of collaboration include:

  • Facilitation of a teaching and learning discussion about trauma, trauma-informed保健, and self-care (this has been done in sociology courses with border-based field work, courses focused on the intersection of dance, 社会政治和全球历史, and courses focused on narrative as a source of healing and social change)
  • Workshop on understanding how to use personal narrative for 2 different purposes: personal healing vs. 创造社会变革
  • Facilitation/co-facilitation of discussions about sexual violence, 健康的性接触, 心理健康, 药物滥用
  • Facilitation/co-facilitation of teaching and learning discussions about public health and prevention best practices
  • Collaboration on bringing speakers to campus

Student Development and 预防 Programming Collaborations: The 健康资源中心's regularly scheduled programs and workshops are designed to achieve our health promotion and prevention goals and to support student development. Supporting students in these ways helps them be healthy engaged students. We hope that faculty will encourage their students to attend these programs (i.e., 我们的日志系列, 压力管理工作坊, 物质科学系列, 美好性爱系列, BADASS Active Bystander Intervention trainings, 虐待后的约会, 等.), and we are always excited to come into classrooms to facilitate these kinds of personal development and prevention programs; examples of programs facilitated within the classroom setting include:

  • Facilitation of discussions about consent, 校园文化, 心理健康, 药物滥用和成瘾, 积极旁观者干预, 校园政策和资源
  • Workshops on time-management, stress management, or self-care
  • Workshops on identifying personal values and exploring how to bring those to life through the college experience and life, 一般.
报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/05/2023