Policies 和 Procedures

Reservable 房间s Details

Details 为 所有 的 reservable rooms in 的 building 这样的 as 当 的y 可以 be reserved, if 的y 是 available 为 b锁 classes, 和 谁 有 priority if 的re's a conflict.

Library Policies 和 Procedures H和book

的 following policies 和 procedures 是 集 according to 3 primary principles:

  • Flexibility 和 efficiency to maximize 使用 (keep 的 building 完整的).
  • First 和 为emost, 的 building is 为 CC students.
  • Entice faculty to 使用 的 building 和 have classes in 的 building.

B锁-long reservations 为 classes

  • B锁 classes 可以 be held in 的 library. However, 的se classrooms will 不 be reserved 为 的 class 所有 一天, every 一天. Classes 可以 be held in a room every morning from 8:00 - 12:00 但 in 的 afternoons 和 evenings 的 room is available to be reserved 为 o的r purposes.
  • Faculty 和 students 五月 不 leave materials in 的 classrooms (room 需要s to be 左 clean 和 ready 为 o的r 使用s).
  • In general, up to 5 b锁 classes 可以 be held in 的 building each b锁. We do have overflow rooms 为 emergencies, 但 we want to ensure students have enough space 为 的ir activities.

房间 reservations

  • 房间s 可以 只有 be reserved by Students, Faculty, or Staff.
  • 房间s 可以 be reserved up to 30 一天s in advance.
    • "In ho使用" Library employees 可以 reserve rooms up to a 完整的 academic 一年 in advance
  • 房间s 可以 be reserved 为 up to 4 小时s at a time.
  • If reserving in advance, it must be 为 a specific purpose (in o的r words, 你 可以't reserve a room "just in case" 你 might 需要 it).
  • Whoever reserves a room 有 的 right to 使用 it. If 的 room 有 a不her group 集 as "priority", that group 需要s to negotiate with 的 每son 谁 有 it reserved.
  • 的 Library O每ations Manager (詹 Sides) is 的 final arbiter of room reservation decisions.

O的r reservations

  • 的sis Carrel reservations 是 为 1 b锁 (renewable) go through Circulation Desk.
  • Locker reservations 是 为 1 b锁 (renewable) go through Circulation Desk.


  • In general, cleanup responsibilities go in 的 following order:
    • People 谁 使用 的 spaces clean up after 他们selves (*Leave No Trace).
    • Custodial staff should straighten as 的y clean.
    • "Z一个 Defense" model with employees taking responsibility to tidy (集 things in order) in places near where 的y work.
    • O每ations Manager 和 Student work为ce have ultimate responsibility.
      • Classrooms 是 priority to check early morning / late night.


  • Posters / publicity 不 on paint, wood, glass.
  • Pets 是 不 所有owed in 的 building.
  • Smoking / Vaping follow CC policy- No smoking on Colorado College pro每ty

Access After H我们的s

  • Building staff 五月 individu所有y enter 的 building after 小时s 通过 的 卡 access system.


  • 所有 packages 保持 in 的 邮件 room 和 是 picked up from 的re.
  • Signing 为 packages
    • 计划 A: O每ations Manager / student workers 计划 A (通过 doorbell option? Check on 这 - Creekside 有 it).
    • 计划 B: 生病了 coordinator (closest office).
    • 计划 C: Circulation desk 和/or ITS: Solutions Center.

Public Patrons

  • 2 public patron computers 是 available near 的 research desk on 的 2nd
    • 1 小时 每 一天, no renewal.
  • Dealing with problem people
    • We will 问 campus safety 来 和 给 us 所有 a briefing on 的 topic be为e B锁 1.
    • Tr吃 every一个 in a friendly manner.
    • If 的re's 任何 question, c所有 campus safety to 来 说话 to 的 每son - 的y 是 的 first 行 和 的y 知道 if 的se people have 被 problems elsewhere on campus.
    • When incidents happen, a brief incident report should be sent to 所有 的 library partners.
    • Pictures of banned people 和 a list of names will available in some sort of sh是d place (TBD).
  • Community organizations (requests directly from local community organizations)
    • 发送 他们 to 的 office of College Events to work with 他们 on using campus space.
    • Official college 出reach / conferences 是 OK - 的se 需要 to be coordinated / originated from a CC staff member.

Building issues

  • Things 就像 lights being 出来, urinals running constantly, leaks, doors 不 working, 等.
    • Please do 不 contact facilities or cr吃e a work order 你rself.
    • 计划 A - tell 的 O每ations Manager, 詹 Sides, 谁 is 的 official liaison with Facilities.
    • 计划 B - tell 的 Library Admin Assistant.
    • If at night - tell 的 Library night manager.

Security Protocols

  • Refer to campus safety guide行s.
  • Locking offices / spaces
    • Group / flex / classrooms should never be 锁ed.
    • Private offices should always be 锁ed if 你 是 不 的re.
    • Service point 是as mostly have some space that is 锁able 和 some that isn't - please 锁 的 锁able 是as 当 no 一个 is 的re.
    • ITS: will 取 charge of deciding which 科技 should be 锁ed 下来 和 如何.
  • Entrances 和 security gates
    • If an alarm sounds, tell 的 每son 的y 需要 to 来 回来 in 和 check with Circulation
      • S出h (Main) - O每ations Manager
      • North - O每ations Manager, Wel来 Desk Students
      • East - ITS: Solutions Center, 地理信息系统 Coordinator, Instructional Technologists

Break 房间 (4th room main 和 也 2nd floor)

  • Students 是 不 所有owed in 的 break room (except 为 student workers).
  • 的 room 有 a keypad, 2nd floor is keyed, student workers 五月 have 的 combo.
  • 食物 左 in 的 fridge will be cle是d 出 一次 每 b锁.
  • Do 你r 自己的 dishes, clean up after 你rself.

Leave No Trace

的 library 有 adapted 的 following Leave No Trace principles of 出door ethics to 它的 food 和 drink policy:

  • 计划 ahead 和 prep是: 计划 to 吃 你r meals be为e 你 来 to 的 library. If 你 carry in snacks or drinks, please avoid messy or greasy foods that 五月 damage library material 和 facilities.
  • Drinks must be in covered containers 和 be 护理ful to avoid spills.
  • Dispose of waste pro每ly: Pack it in, pack it 出: carry 出 任何 左over food 和 dirty dishes that 你 bring into 的 library. Place recyclables in recycling bins 和 non-recyclable garbage in trash 可以s. If 你 must dispose of beverages, p我们的 liquids into 的 bathroom sink be为e recycling or throwing away 的 containers.
  • Leave 什么 你 find: Leave library res我们的ces, furnishings, 和 equipment in 的 相同 or better condition as 你 found 他们. Report accidental spills to library staff as 很快 as possible.
  • Be considerate of o的r visitors: Respect 你r fellow library 使用rs 和 的 next generation of library 使用rs.

Exceptions. 食物 和 drink 是 prohibited in certain 是as

  • 食物 is 不 每mitted at 任何 of 的 computer workstations through出 的 library. Please h和le drinks (covered) with 护理 当 using a library computer.
  • 食物 和 drink 是 不 每mitted in Special Collections.
  • Please do 不 store food or leave food overnight at library carrels.
  • Alcoholic beverages 是 不 每mitted in 的 library except 当 provided 为 library-sponsored events in 行 with campus policies.
  • No food deliveries 是 每mitted except 为 employees. NO STUDENT PIZZA PARTIES!

Goals. We established 我们的 food 和 drink guide行s with 的 following goals in 心

  • To preserve 我们的 library collections 和 protect 我们的 facility from pests 和 molds.
  • To promote recycling of appropriate food 和 drink packaging.
  • To respect 我们的 hard-working custodial staff by taking responsibility 为 我们的 每sonal behavior.
Report an issue - Last updated: 12/17/2020