


荣誉守则是学生在进入CC之前签署的合同. 在本守则中, students agree to foster an environment of academic integrity that holds all students accountable for ethical behavior in academic work. The philosophy of the code is built on mutual trust between students and faculty that encourages academic independence.

荣誉委员会执行荣誉守则. It is comprised of approximately 20-40 students selected to investigate potential academic violations. The Council responds to allegations of 荣誉准则 violations in a timely and professional manner.


教授们应该在上课的第一天讨论荣誉守则. 教授有权规定什么资源, 多少时间?, 以及学生可以在哪里完成作业或测试. Please include these parameters and your expectations for ethical conduct in both your syllabus and assignments (see below for a sample of text included in one professor's syllabus). 最终, students are responsible for asking how 教授 will apply additional parameters in the classroom.


The 荣誉委员会 conducted a school wide survey that revealed many CC students believed their peers were more likely to violate the 荣誉准则 during distance learning compared to in-person courses. The fear of increased cheating during online instruction is held by many professors and students across the nation. 解决这些问题,鼓励学术诚信, the 荣誉委员会 created a committee of faculty and students to generate a recommendation list for professors teaching distance learning blocks. We acknowledge this list is not exhaustive and some recommendations may work better in certain disciplines. In any case, we hope this document will serve as a toolbox when designing online courses. 请联系HonorCouncil@coloradocollege.有任何问题,评论或建议.



Professors who believe that a violation has occurred should contact the council co-chairs either directly or via our 教师 Advisors. The 荣誉委员会 co-chairs will assign a team of investigators to determine if there is reason to believe a violation has occurred. These investigators will contact you directly to set up a time for an interview. 一旦教授向荣誉委员会报告了潜在的违规行为, the council asks that 教授 not communicate that decision with the student and, 此外, let the council handle all future communications with the student regarding the case. 


The identities of those involved in 荣誉委员会 proceedings are kept confidential. The identities of faculty members are kept confidential insofar as the accused student does not know who accused him or her of committing a violation.


If the 荣誉委员会 investigators deem that there is reason to believe that a violation occurred, 然后他们会给被告两种选择. 第一个选择是承认违规. 在这种情况下,荣誉委员会向你推荐, 教授, 给这个学生一个NC(没有学分)的分数. 如何进行最终是你的决定.

如果学生选择不认罪,那么这件事就会进入审判阶段. 如果有审判的话, you will be called to testify before the Council to explain your involvement in the case. 审判结束后, the case investigators will contact you immediately to inform you of the trial verdict. We generally recommend to professors that if a student is found guilty they receive a grade of NC (no credit) for the course. 但是,再一次,决定权在你.


The 荣誉委员会 will strive to complete the investigation and trial process within the time frame of one block, 除非有情有可原的情况. During the process the investigators should update you weekly on the status of the investigation. 另外, you can contact the investigators or the co-chairs to check on the status of the case. Out of respect for your time and our students' time we run trials in one afternoon, 所以你作证几小时后就会知道结果了.


Many academic resources are available on campus that professors should encourage students to access. In order to ensure that the 荣誉准则 and 教授s' educational philosophies are upheld, professors should make their syllabi available to departmental tutors and academic resource centers.

另外, communicating with these centers provides a more effective support network for students that can help prevent cheating. Professionals at these centers often help students deal with the high stress levels that can in some cases result in dishonest behavior. Re搜索 the 荣誉委员会 has conducted indicates that most CC students who admit to cheating do so because they feel that the demand for good grades is high and have no coping strategy to deal with increased academic pressure.

As part of our educational outreach we encourage students to be honest with themselves in terms of planning for and completing assignments. We advise them that faculty members are their first contact if they are feeling overwhelmed and/or under prepared. It is our hope that no student at CC feels as though his or her only option to succeed is to cheat.


荣誉准则. 利用别人的想法——可以是专业作家, 演讲者, 或者是同学或朋友——没有适当的承认就构成抄袭. 抄袭是本课程中一个特别重要的问题, 因为你将分组收集一些数据, 你会在你的研究文章中引用别人的研究成果. 你们所有的论文,包括小组论文,都必须是你们自己的. 不要轻视这个问题.

你有责任阅读, 理解, and adhering to the guidelines for acknowledging the work of others as outlined in the APA manual and the Psychology Department web page on plagiarism: http://ar6.uni-foodex.com/Dept/PY/Plag.html

另外,请参阅 探路者 浏览荣誉守则及CC对学术盗窃的政策. Even when it is unintended, plagiarism carries with it significant disciplinary action. Ignorance of the guidelines is not an acceptable excuse for violations of the 荣誉准则.

Do not put your name on your lab reports and tests; rather, use your student ID number. 一定要写“以我的荣誉”, 在这项任务中,我既没有给予也没有接受未经授权的帮助”并签名 只有你的学生证号码. 这使我能够盲目地给你的作业打分.



报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/27/2023


如果你有任何问题, 或者举报涉嫌违反荣誉守则的行为, 请不要犹豫与荣誉委员会联合主席联系.







Minho Kim,数学 & 计算机科学
