Welcome to the Parking Office!

Our goal is to help to provide and maintain a safe and secure environment where academic pursuits may flourish in accordance with the established goals of CC. This goal is accomplished by providing parking to the community through the management and maintenance of parking facilities and providing safe transport of our most important resource (people) from far parking lots to campus.


Friendly Reminders

  • Permits are valid annually September 1 through August 31.
  • New Employees without a parking permit must contact the Parking Office to obtain a permit.
  • Parking enforcement is year-round, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including block breaks AND weekends, and citations will be issued for any parking violation.
  • Colorado College is Private Property and therefore requires permits and determines all motor vehicle regulations. 

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Help Links


Parking Supervisor & Coordinator: Krystal Duran

719-389-6888 or parking@uni-foodex.com

Report an issue - Last updated: 03/29/2024