

Colorado College's Block Plan is not only an innovative academic model for study on campus, 它是出国留学和出国留学的门户.  是否是一门课程, led by a CC faculty member that takes students across the country or around the world, 一个远离校园的暑期课程, 一个由CC教师团队领导的多区块项目, a semester, or even a full year away, 可能性是巨大的,课程是引人入胜的, transformative, 而且对我们的学生影响很大. 

多亏了灵活的时间安排, 广泛的由教师主导和合作伙伴赞助的项目, and financial aid policies designed to minimize the financial impact of selecting to study away, Colorado College has made study away a reality for upwards of 70% of all graduates over the past decade.  70%并不罕见, 75%, 甚至有80%的毕业生在某一年的成绩单上留下了学习记录, 在很多情况下有不止一次的经历.  校外学习是一项非常有价值的学术努力,可以增加视野, challenge, 并深入了解赌博正规的十大网站的任何学习领域, for all majors and minors.

Students choosing an off-campus study program to pursue have many options at Colorado College, 满足各种学术需求. The Global Education staff look forward to working with you to make study away possible and to make sure it is an intentional, interconnected, 也是你在赌博正规的十大网站本科教育中有影响力的一部分. 


It might actually be easier at times to list the places Colorado College students don't go.  Since the Fall of 2021, 当CC团队和我们的合作伙伴项目恢复国际旅行时, we have offered a combination of faculty-led or partner-led study away programming in 57 nations across 6 continents, including many destinations where students can choose between a faculty-led block away or a longer CC or Partner-led semester option.  看看下面的地图,你可以看到各种各样的目的地. Then, in the sections to follow, you can get some examples of CC Faculty-led programs and the more than 150 different semester options available.  



Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Belize, Bhutan, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Rwanda, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania,Thailand, Tunisia, Turks & 凯科斯群岛,英国,美国和越南


想象一个块长度的课程,3.5 weeks, with one of Colorado College's outstanding faculty working with a group of CC students intensively in a single field of study.  现在想象一下东京、柏林或安第斯山脉的这群人.  这就是CC的街区.  No transfer credits, no student visas required, 只有一群学生和教师领导在一起, experiencing a new place, 加入一个新的社区, 把他们学到的东西带到世界上.  And, 不像大多数学校的学期制或学期制, 单门课程的学习是非常有限的, at CC, 从9月到5月的任何一个街区都可以进行街区旅行. 

In a typical year CC will offer 12-16 different courses across the entire 8-block academic year.  It could be Block 2 in Paris, Block 4 in India, Block 6 in Chile, or Block 8 in Los Angeles.  课程可以是国内的,也可以是国际的,可以是学院提供的任何学科. 不与其他课程冲突, 没有复杂的校际协议, the same high quality Colorado College educational experience enhanced with local experts, site visits, 通过经验和学术研究来学习. 

最近的一些Block Away课程的例子包括: 
  • 艺术史275:19世纪的巴黎
  • Classics 260: Gender & 古代的性(希腊)
  • Computer Science 341: Study at the Lawrence Livermore Research Laboratory (California)
  • 舞蹈/戏剧230:表演之旅(印度)
  • 经济学260:工业革命(伦敦)
  • 教育110:连接读写、语言和语言学(西班牙)
  • 环境研究209:生态学 & the Environment in Costa Rica
  • Film 200 Politics & 城市空间中的诗学(纽约)
  • 德语320:全球柏林:电影,城市和身份
  • History 200: Art & Power in Florence
  • 意大利语320:趣味:作为艺术、文化和传统的意大利食物
  • 音乐397:巴赫的足迹(德国)
  • 有机体生物学370:热带森林 & Coral Reef Ecology (Belize)
  • 心理学178:从珍珠港到檀香山(夏威夷)
  • Religion 200: Martyrs & Saints (Rome)
  • Sociology 267: Globalization & 拉丁美洲的抵抗(智利)
While the academic year features 8 potential blocks when faculty can offer their course at an off-campus site, 夏季提供2个额外的街区.  Each summer Colorado College faculty offer between 12-16 additional off-campus block courses across a wide spectrum of academic fields. 所有课程都是CC学分,由我们自己的教师领导.  Students can even use the college's unique Summer Wild Card to waive summer tuition charges for their first summer program (on campus or around the world).  Summer Blocks are not only a great option for students who may want to accelerate their studies or add a topics course with experiential learning, they are an opportunity to expand the curriculum of Colorado College in interesting ways through global study. 

  • 人类学208:土著环境行动主义(厄瓜多尔)
  • 亚洲研究350:日本文学中的食物 & Culture
  • Classics 223: Greek & 罗马艺术与历史(意大利)
  • Education 250: Constructing Childhood in Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and Steiner Schools (Italy)
  • 第225课:莎士比亚在伦敦
  • 环境研究120:喜马拉雅奥德赛(尼泊尔)
  • Feminist & 性别研究214:隐藏的空间,隐藏的叙述(柏林)
  • Music 222: Arts & Culture in Bali
  • Philosophy 203: 肯尼亚的马萨兰:后殖民英联邦的土著
  • 政治学203:中欧的后共产主义之旅(斯洛伐克)
  • 葡萄牙语298:在巴西加速葡萄牙语
  • 宗教200:发掘以色列
  • 西班牙语111/211/305/306:在西班牙索里亚学习西班牙语
除了单个积木环游世界, Colorado College currently sponsors 7 unique semester (4-block) and half-semester (2-block) programs.  其中包括TREE学期, 专注于科罗拉多州农村地区的环境教育, 到西班牙语课程, French, Italian, Chinese, Russian, and German.  Many of the 4-block semester programs also offer the option for students to attend only the first 2 blocks or the final 2 blocks, depending on their schedules.  Flexibility, academic rigor, 以及7-15周的深度沉浸式体验式学习, 所有这些都不需要转移外部信贷. 

Current CC-Led Full & Half-Semester Programs

4 Blocks in rural Colorado.
CC German Semester in Berlin
可选择2或4块语言 & 沉浸在德国柏林的文化中.
CC Spanish & 拉丁美洲葡萄牙语学期
可选择2块语言 & 巴西的文化沉浸,墨西哥的2个街区,或者两个国家的全部4个街区. 

CC French Semester in France
选择2块语言 & cultural immersion in Nice, 2 Blocks of Faculty-led Travel in France, or all 4-blocks.
A 2-block language & 在台湾、香港和中国大陆举办的文化沉浸式课程(每年都有不同的地点).)
A 2-block language & 在吉尔吉斯斯坦比什凯克的文化沉浸项目.
A 2-block language & 在佛罗伦萨、罗马和意大利阿布鲁佐的文化沉浸项目. 
在教师主导的学期之外, half-semesters, and individual blocks, the Global Education Office curates a pool of between 120-140 different partner-sponsored semester and academic year opportunities.  Some are exchange programs or direct enrollment opportunities with renown universities across the globe, 其他是专门为美国学生设计的多学科项目.S. 大学生出国留学, and other still are targeted deep-engagement programs in fields such as Computer Science, Mathematics, 环境科学或语言学习.  With all partner semesters, CC students are asked to pay the standard semester tuition at CC and the program charges for housing, meal plans, and insurance of the provider, allowing all standard CC financial aid to travel with the student and making it possible for a student to select a program without concern of a higher semester expense than they would  expect if they were on campus.

 Some examples of Exchange & 直接报名项目包括:
  • 与巴黎大学(法国)的CC交流
  • 与德国Leuphana大学CC交流
  • 与LAB应用科学大学(芬兰)CC交流
  • 早稻田大学日本研修班(日本)
  • 关西现代大学直招(日本)
  • 希伯来大学罗斯伯格国际学校(以色列)
  • 伦敦经济学院直接招生(英国)
  • 美利坚大学华盛顿学期(美国)

  • CIEE圣地亚哥文科项目(多米尼加共和国)
  • CIEE Arts & 首尔科学项目(韩国)
  • CIEE Arts & 开普敦科学项目(南非)
  • 雅典大学(希腊)
  • 丹麦哥本哈根DIS留学
  • DIS赴瑞典斯德哥尔摩留学
  • 荷兰莱顿大学欧洲学者研究学期
  • 法国波士顿大学格勒诺布尔科学学期
  • IES Latin American Societies & 布宜诺斯艾利斯的文化(阿根廷)
  • IES Study in Granada (Spain)
  • IFSA墨尔本大学学期(澳大利亚)
  • IFSA智利大学项目(智利)
  • 爱尔兰高威IFSA国立大学(爱尔兰)
  • IFSA牛津大学项目(英国)
  • 斯特拉斯堡雪城大学(法国)
  • 罗马天普大学(意大利)

  • AIT布达佩斯学期(匈牙利-计算机科学)
  • 奥格斯堡:北爱尔兰的冲突、和平与过渡
  • 菩提伽耶卡尔顿佛教研究(印度)
  • CET: Social Justice & 巴西圣保罗的不平等现象
  • CET: Chinese Studies & Internship Semester (China)
  • CIEE:中东研究(约旦)
  • 国外前沿:新西兰地质学
  • 欧洲核子研究中心日内瓦物理学期与波士顿大学(瑞士)
  • IES:维也纳音乐课程(奥地利)
  • IES:弗莱堡环境研究 & Sustainability (Germany)
  • IES:都柏林作家计划(爱尔兰)
  • 格拉斯哥艺术学院(苏格兰)
  • IFSA: Psychology & 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷)的神经科学
  • ISDSI:文化、生态与社区学期(泰国)
  • OTS: African Ecology & Conservation (South Africa)
  • 实地研究学院:热带岛屿生物多样性(巴拿马)
  • 野外研究学院:野生动物管理研究(坦桑尼亚)
  • SEA学期:海洋生物多样性 & 保育(纽西兰至斐济)
  • SIT:城市环境中的公共卫生(阿根廷)
  • SIT: Development & Social Change (Cameroon)
  • SIT: Arts & 社会变革(捷克共和国)
  • SIT: Migration & 跨国认同(摩洛哥)


9月20日:Block 7或Block 8申请截止日期

All students who apply to a Block 7 or Block 8 off-campus course by this date are reviewed for aid eligibility and aid awards are granted by early October.  申请可以在窗口外接受, 但在9月份窗口关闭后,可能无法获得援助.   Please check with the faculty leader of your preferred course about capacity in the course before applying. 


October 1:  第五或第六单元校外课程的退课截止日期

Students may withdraw from any Block 5 or 6 off-campus course by this date and incur no program fee charges. Later withdrawals can lead to a portion of the program fee being billed to the student as a nonrefundable charge. 



Complete the CC Internal Application or Application to the CC in France program by this date to receive consideration for approval.  逾期申请不予受理. 


December 1: 第七或第八单元校外课程的退课截止日期

Students may withdraw from any Block 7 or 8 off-campus course by this date and incur no program fee charges. Later withdrawals can lead to a portion of the program fee being billed to the student as a nonrefundable charge. 



完成Block 7-8项目(CC)在中国的峰会申请, CC in Bishkek, CC France Blocks 7-8, 和意大利CC 203-204),在此日期前接受批准的考虑.



Worner Center Lobby
考虑一个学期或一整年的时间?  探索您的选择超过130个不同的学期项目, some CC-led, 有些是通过合作大学和组织.  


Worner Center Lobby
Faculty leaders for all the 2024 Summer Off-Campus Blocks will be on hand to provide you with the information you need to pick the best summer study away option for you. 


2023年11月30日- 2024年1月22日
报名截止日期为1月22日.  All students who apply during this window are reviewed for aid eligibility and aid awards are granted by early February.  申请可以在窗口外接受, 但在1月份窗口关闭后,可能无法获得援助. 


Worner Center Lobby
这是今年最大的游学博览会, 教职员工代表2024-2025年的所有街区, 由教师主导的学期和半学期课程, 以及120多个学期选择的代表.  There is no better event all year to explore options for study away in the next year.  


2024年2月1日- 2024年3月13日
申请截止日期为3月13日.  All students who apply during this window are reviewed for aid eligibility and aid awards are granted by late March.  申请可以在窗口外接受, 但在3月份窗口关闭后,可能无法获得援助. 

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