Lennox House

Tour Stop: #11
Current and Historic Name: Lennox House
Address: 1001 N. Nevada Avenue
Year Completed: 1900
Architectural Style: Mission Revival
Architect: Frederick J. 坚强, Denver
Designation: National Register

Mining millionaire, businessman, 和赌博正规的十大网站的长期受托人威廉·伦诺克斯在1900年建造了这座优雅的传教复兴风格的房子. 伦诺克斯是苏格兰移民的孩子,1850年出生于爱荷华州,并在那里上了大学. After his parents moved to the Colorado Springs vicinity in 1872, 伦诺克斯来到西部,花了几个月的时间在费尔普雷斯附近勘探和采矿. He then started a feed and livery business in fledgling Colorado Springs. In 1874, Lennox became the agent for the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad's coal yard in Colorado Springs. He and a brother bought a coal and transfer business two years later, 作为铁路的代理商,后来又代表了科罗拉多煤铁公司和科罗拉多燃料公司. After acquiring his brother's interest in the business, Lennox became the largest coal dealer in El Paso County. At the same time, he continued to invest in mountain mining properties, a pursuit that ultimately yielded tremendous rewards. In 1891, 伦诺克斯买下了罗伯特·沃马克在跛子溪地区的埃尔帕索金矿, 他成为金王矿业公司和斯特朗矿业公司的大股东.

While Cripple Creek provided Lennox with a fortune, he also pursued other diverse interests, 包括担任科罗拉多斯普林斯交易所国家银行行长,以及在德克萨斯州经营大型养牛场. 在1900年的一篇公报文章中,他被描述为“科罗拉多斯普林斯商界引人注目的成功之一”, 伦诺克斯大力推广城市,是商会和迈伦斯特拉顿之家的董事会成员. 他在赌博正规的十大网站的工作包括从1901年到1936年去世期间担任受托人.

伦诺克斯用他的一些矿业财富在正在发展的大学校园对面建造了这座住宅. Constructed for the then-significant sum of $50,000, the house was described by the Colorado Springs Gazette as "magnificent." The newspaper observed, “看过这些计划的人,能够在这些事情上发表权威言论的人,会毫不犹豫地说,目前在科罗拉多斯普林斯,无论是完工的还是在建的,都没有一处住宅能与奥巴马先生相提并论. Lennox's home."

Denver architect Frederick J. 坚强 designed the house for Lennox. 坚强, who worked in Colorado for two decades, 16岁时从英国来到美国,在纽约学习建筑. By 1882, he was a draftsman in the Denver office of Frank E. Edbrooke & 公司是19世纪末科罗拉多州最著名的建筑公司. 两年后,他与欧内斯特·菲利普·瓦里安成功合作,设计了丹佛运动俱乐部(1889年)和一些富人住宅.Following dissolution of that firm, 斯特纳领导着自己的办公室,并在该州的其他地区进行建筑设计. 伦诺克斯住宅是斯特纳在科罗拉多斯普林斯最早的设计记录, where he attracted a number of commissions from the city's elite. 他最重要的项目是威廉·杰克逊·帕尔默的第二鹿角酒店和他的住所的重新设计, Glen Eyrie, both in Colorado Springs in 1901. 建筑师还为科罗拉多燃料公司完成了一些建筑的计划 & 钢铁公司,包括1901年在普韦布洛的传教复兴风格的钢铁厂办公室. In 1908, 坚强 moved to New York City, 在那里,他建立了一个繁荣的建筑实践,并与他的妹妹共用一个办公室, 莫德, an interior designer. In 1924, he retired and returned to England.

Colorado College received this house from Lennox's estate in 1936. 一些在跛子溪积累了财富的人赠送了财产, funds for the construction of buildings, and monetary support for the college's programs. 许多, like Lennox, 通过在有影响力的委员会任职,帮助确定学院的未来方向, such as the board of trustees. Spencer Penrose, Charles L. 资料,老., Eugene P. Shove, Claude Boettcher, James J. Hagerman, and Verner Z. 里德是靠采矿发家致富的大学捐款人的代表. Although little new construction took place on campus during the 1930s, 学院通过捐赠和购买校园附近的几所大房子来扩大其设施,比如伦诺克斯房子. These developments were later described as "The Growth That Nobody Saw."

在获得伦诺克斯住宅后,学院聘请了当地建筑师爱德华·L. 他们花了4万美元对住宅进行了改造和翻新,将其用作学生中心. 新设施于1937年9月开放,为学生和教师提供茶点, followed by a dance with orchestral music. Before acquisition of the house, 在广场酒店的穆雷毒品店的摊位是学生社交生活的非正式中心. Lennox House满足了学生在宿舍外聚集的中心位置的需求,并提供了一个学院用餐的环境, recreation, and social gatherings.

亨利·E. 曾担任地质系主任多年的马蒂亚斯担任该中心主任. 夫人. J.R. 麦克伦根被描述为“具有各种社会工作经验”,担任女主人. She lived in Lennox and was on duty day and night, seven days a week. The facilities included a basement grill, which operated from 7:15 a.m. until 10:15 p.m., extending its hours until 1:15 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights. The main floor contained a spacious lounge and reading room, also used for meetings, 茶, and informal dances, as well as a private dining room. 楼上是学生会和校报的办公室, and a game room equipped with a billiard table. 在20世纪30年代末,联合女学生也占领了伦诺克斯大厦. In 1941, the college bookstore opened on the second floor. 伦诺克斯大楼在1959年之前一直是赌博正规的十大网站的学生中心, when the newly-completed Rastall Center opened.

经过另一次改造,贝塔Theta Pi兄弟会在这里居住了30年. During summer terms, the building was the site of an intensive foreign language program, German House. In addition to regular classroom study, 德国之家的学生参加了练习发音的实验课, song sessions, 电影, 讲座, and discussions. In the fall of 1989, 学院将该建筑改建为男女混合宿舍,并恢复了“伦诺克斯学院”的名称. Lennox House, 它因其历史和建筑意义于1999年被列入国家名录, now serves as a multicultural-themed residence also known as Glass House.

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