Note-taking Support

有机会查阅课堂笔记是学习过程中不可或缺的一部分. 鼓励所有学生积极参与课堂活动, 记笔记是这种情况发生的众多方式之一. 然而,一些有残疾的学生在做笔记或获取课堂笔记方面可能需要帮助. When this is the case, 无障碍资源与获得笔记支持的学生合作,探索住宿选择.


  • Use of a computer to take notes
  • 录音课堂内容,以补充学生自己的笔记, 如果学生将录音课程作为住宿,将被要求签署一份“录音课程协议”,其中写明, along with other stipulations, 录音将用于学生自己的学术目的,学生不会与他人分享录音.)
  • Peer note-taking support, 残疾学生用另一个学生的笔记来补充他们的笔记
  • 电子演示文稿副本(例如.g.(如PowerPoint幻灯片)

学生有责任通知教师任何住宿需求, 包括那些与记笔记有关的. 学生应通过AR在线服务提交一份申请,要求教师通知每堂课所需的批准住宿. 这应该在一个街区开始之前或足够早的时候完成,以便教师实施合理的安排.


  • 学生或教师都可以招募一名学生志愿者来分享笔记.
  • There are several ways to recruit a student volunteer: 1) the faculty member or the student with a disability may already know of a student in class who takes good notes and who may be willing to share them; 2) after observing students for the first couple of days, the faculty member may have a better idea of a student who appears to be taking good notes and can ask if that student is willing to share notes with the student with a disability; or 3) the faculty member, 不确定学生是否有残疾, 可以通过在课堂上的公告或给班上的学生发电子邮件来征求志愿者吗.
  • When recruiting a volunteer, 讨论一下分享笔记的好处可能会有所帮助:1)志愿者会得到50美元.00 gift card at the end of the block; 2) students can list this as a volunteer experience on their resumes; and 3) volunteers often say the quality of their notes and their grades improve when serving in this role.
  • 如果教师招募志愿者, 教师应与收到笔记和无障碍资源的学生分享志愿者的姓名.
  • 如果残疾学生招募志愿者, 学生应与教授和无障碍资源共享志愿者的姓名.
  • 分享笔记的学生需要与无障碍资源联系,注册成为志愿者.
  • Class notes can be provided to the student with a disability in several ways: 1) the volunteer can make a photocopy of the notes; 2) Accessibility Resources can provide the volunteer with carbonless paper that can be used to make a duplicate set of the notes; and 3) volunteers who use a computer to take notes can provide the notes electronically.
  • 志愿者有责任确保残疾学生收到所有课程的笔记. 如果志愿者缺课, 志愿者可以安排代替者或复印其他学生的笔记,然后与残疾学生分享.
  • 收到笔记的学生有责任通知教师和无障碍资源,如果笔记质量差和/或没有定期提供. 如有需要,可能会招募新的义工.
  • 学生必须上课接受笔记,除非有缺席的理由.
  • 志愿者被要求尊重残疾学生的隐私,不要向他人透露残疾学生的身份.
  • 如果班上没有同学自愿分享笔记, 教授和/或残疾学生应联系无障碍资源寻求帮助.
有关笔记支持或其他住宿和服务的更多信息, 请联络无障碍资源.


Report an issue - Last updated: 06/15/2022